Fashion technology

6B07207 Fashion Technology

Field of education: 6B07 Engineering, Manufacturing, and Civil Engineering
Direction of personnel training: 6B072 Industrial and manufacturing branches
Group of educational programs: B070 Textiles: clothes, footwear, and leather products
EP purpose: Training highly qualified competitive personnel in design and technology of fashion industry products made of textiles and leather, meeting the demands of national and international labor markets.
The formed educational outcomes:

  • Applies knowledge of economics, entrepreneurship, law, anti-corruption culture, and interaction between nature and society to ensure life safety in professional activities.
  • Uses the basic laws of natural sciences and methods of mathematical analysis to solve garment industry problems.
  • Demonstrates understanding of physical and chemical methods for solving applied problems in clothing technology.
  • Develops color solutions, stylizes and transforms designs into decorative compositions using digital technologies.
  • Analyzes quality indicators of materials and clothing using scientific research methods.
  • Applies research methods and academic writing skills to garment industry challenges, adhering to academic integrity principles.
  • Manages safety, labor protection, and eco-friendly production at sewing enterprises.
  • Develops project documentation and oversees compliance of design projects with specifications.
  • Uses traditional and digital technologies to design and manufacture garments.
  • Designs technical and technological documentation for garment production.
  • Operates modern technological equipment in compliance with safety requirements.
  • Applies knowledge of garment production design, automation, and 3D modeling in creating garments.
  • Demonstrates skills in managing and monitoring the quality of garments and services.

Area (sphere) of professional activity:
Design, production, and innovation activities aimed at creating competitive products in the fashion industry, including garments, footwear, fur, and leather goods.

Types of professional activities:

  • Design and engineering: Sketching, modeling, and developing clothing designs.
  • Production and technological: Organizing and managing garment production processes.
  • Innovative: Applying digital technologies in garment creation.

Objects of professional activity: Garments, footwear, leather and fur goods, technological and design processes in the fashion industry.

License number for the direction of training: AB 0137401, date of issue: February 3, 2010. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 299 dated March 28, 2019.


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